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Tetris Intelligence Block 9's 1314




Tetris (9 wooden blocks)

  1. Training imagination, improve eye-hand coordination and color & shape recognition, get all the blocks back together on the board with the different solution. Great fun for family and school, keeps the kids busy for hours.
  2. Kids can DIY many sorts of design with these colorful puzzle blocks such as a pistol, human, robot, airplane etc. 
  3. Colorful and Non-toxic paints, Eye-catching and beautiful pattern just like shown in the pictures. 
  4. Material: Wood, Approximate size of the board LxBxH: 12cmx12cmx1 cm.

Tetris Aims at developing mind and imagination, exercise his ability eye-hand coordination and color shape recognition, Kids can DIY many sorts of design with these colorful puzzle blocks such as a pistol, human, robot, airplane etc.

Colorful and Non-toxic paints, Eye-catching and beautiful pattern just like shown in the pictures

*Barang tempahan akan dibebaskan untuk belian dalam beberapa minit, sila muat semula muka surat ini dan cuba lagi.